Wish of the week 10

Wish of the week 10

Hi. I'm sorry for the lack posts but I've been sick nothing special don't worry :)
This week I show you the maxi necklaces and some for your inspiration. I hope you like it.

Olá. Desculpem pela falta de posts mas tenho estado doente, nada de especial não se preocupem :)
Esta semana trago-vos como desejo da semana os maxi colares. Deixo-vos alguns para se inspirarem. Espero que gostem.

Oscar de la Renta in net-a-porter

Phillip Lim in net-a-porter

Lee Angel in net-a-porter

Kara by Kara Ross in net-a-porter

in Mango

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Hi. I'm sorry for the lack posts but I'v…